It just takes a few minutes for people to decide if they would like to continue reading your blog or if it will just make them bored. Yes, you heard it right. After investing so much time and effort in writing the content for your blog, its fate is decided within a few minutes.
It doesn’t matter anyhow if you have done the thesis on the topic or have researched the whole Wikipedia to write the content if your audience doesn’t like it all. This is of no use. The main objective of putting in so much effort is to sustain the users and keep them engaged, right?
Keeping your readers interested in your content will be challenging if you always give them the same boring topics and the same boring, monotonous presentation. So how do you think you can do this? What could be the tested way that gives you the desired result? Well, definitely by breaking the line of the boring ways. Of course, it would help if you were realistic yet funny and humorous to have happy readers.

Add Humour to your Content
We will be helping you with the ways by which you can keep your readers interested in your blog by making them want more of your work. Also, find helpful tips to add humor to your articles.
1. Be sarcastic
Nothing can beat this trick. If you can make your audience laugh, chances are you will have them forever with you. Use plenty of sarcasm in your writing, and definitely avoid joking about the serious stuff. Be funny in your writing style, approach, and selection of words, and there you are with the busiest writing work.
2. Introduce well
What decides if the readers would go ahead reading your content solely depends on how you presented its introduction. A well-designed introduction can do wonders for your work by winning people’s hearts, whereas a weak one can make you out of the competition. Thus, make a strong introduction for your blog.
3. Use metaphors
Use metaphors to relate to your audience. Compare their situations with some slang or real-life situation so that they feel connected to the blog and thus will be more engaged.
4. Make your fun
Instead of mentioning anyone else, volunteer yourself as the target when presenting any funny story, situation, or incident to your audience. This will help you to get instantly connected with your users.
5. Include images
Images are a great source to leave a long-lasting impression on people’s mind as it stays somewhere in their mind, and as soon as they see it somewhere, they will get a thought of you. You can make your writing more impactful and add humor by using funny images and memes.
6. Clichés
You can use them if you want to spice up your content. It is all the game of using the words of your content in such a manner that it appears funny yet doesn’t hurt anyone’s emotions. Do keep one thing in mind don’t fill your article with clichés but use them occasionally.
7. Take reference
Don’t confuse this thing with copying someone else work but take it as an idea to use that work for your reference. You can certainly take help from the available content and then present them in your style by making it more attractive and eye catchy.
8. Pen down the fun
We often have many funny incidents but remember any when we need to write any. Happens to you? You can note the funny things that happen to you or that you see or hear so that when you need anything related to your content, you are never short of them.
By being humoristic in the right direction and with the proper presentation, you will have a huge audience base that will be your consistent readers. Using these tips to add humor and deliver your users with a funny yet informative blog will increase your traffic share on it. Do constant practice using these tips in your writing without overdoing anything.
What are the things that attract you to a blog? What is the first thing that you look at on any blog? Drop us a comment to know your views and suggestions.