How to Make Videos Play Automatically on Instagram Story

Don worry! If you don’t know how to make videos play automatically on Instagram story. Read our article to know about it.

Instagram users are creatively utilizing the story feature to update the audience about them or their services. They make their photos and videos awesome with their imagination because they have many options to bring more engagement to their stories.

You can share photos, reels, IGTVs, and almost everything to your Instagram story. This way, you reach more audiences if they have missed the posts on their feed.

Perhaps, you have noticed stories autoplay, or you’ve tapped them to play. You can change your Instagram account settings to autoplay Instagram story videos. Are you interested to know how to play videos on Instagram story automatically?

Let’s dive deep into the topic without any delay.

How to Make Videos Play Automatically on Instagram Story

Why Automatically Play Videos On Instagram Story

The Instagram story has become a great tool for achieving a milestone in your social media journey. You can promote your brand and increase engagement on your Instagram stories. In addition, Autoplay your story videos can help you grab viewers’ attention.

Start your video with a curiosity element, so people stay to watch the full video. A few first seconds of your video should be able to grab attention. Otherwise, your audience may skip your content. It’s a costly affair when it comes to your business. Some people keep the sound off, so your visual content should be appealing enough. Thus, remember to work on that.

Swiping Instagram stories manually is a time-consuming process. The autoplay feature lets you utilize the time effectively. Meanwhile, you can skip the content that doesn’t suit your mood.

The autoplay feature makes the whole process faster and reduces manual work. You know whether to continue or skip the video within the first few seconds.

How To Play Videos On Instagram Story Automatically

Other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have the option to play videos automatically. Unfortunately, Instagram lacks this feature, but you can do it differently.

If you autoplay video content, it will consume more Wi-Fi or cellular data. As the Instagram app’s default setting is turned on to reduce your data usage. So, you can turn it off to make videos play automatically on Instagram story.

Follow the steps below to make the required changes to your app’s settings.

  1. Open your Instagram app and log in if required.
  2. Tap the profile icon in the bottom menu.
  3. Tap the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner.
  4. Tap Settings > Account > Data usage.
  5. Finally, make sure the Use less cellular data option is turned off. If not, please turn it off. Use the given toggle button for it.

With no data usage restriction, Instagram can consume more bandwidth to autoplay the videos on your feed and story. Otherwise, turning on the less cellular data usage option is better to save your data for more important work.

This is how videos will automatically play on Instagram Story. Now, proceed to the next part of this article.

How To Make A Repost Video Play On Your Story Automatically

Instagram users can repost a video on the Instagram story from their own account or someone’s public account. To get the repost feature, you must update your Instagram app to the latest version. After updating your app, now make videos play automatically on Instagram story. The following steps are for you.

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Open a video to repost on your Instagram story.
  3. Tap on the paper plane icon at the bottom of your post.
  4. Next, tap Add video to your story.
  5. Now, this video will automatically play on your screen. You can add stickers, text, or doodles if required.
  6. Finally, tap Your story at the bottom left.

Let this video play full-length before posting it to your story. Otherwise, your reposted video might not be autoplay on your story.


If users make videos play automatically on Instagram story, it will benefit both businesses and content creators. But it does not mean users won’t get any benefits. Users save time and can watch the intro before skipping to the most relevant one. You must turn off the use less cellular data option to autoplay Instagram stories.

Remember to share the article with your family and friends, so they take advantage of the autoplay feature on Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I stop autoplay on Instagram?

Some people do not prefer to play videos automatically to save their cellular data. In contrast, others don’t want to autoplay NFSW content on Instagram to avoid any embarrassment in public or the workplace. Fortunately, you can stop autoplay on Instagram.

Simply go to your app’s Settings > Account > Data usage > Turn on Use less cellular data.

Why my Instagram stories don’t play automatically?

Perhaps, your app is consuming your cellular data, and the use less cellular data option is turned on. In this situation, Instagram stories don’t play automatically. Change your data usage setting to autoplay videos.

Another possible fix is to update your app to the latest version and clear the cache. Sometimes, you need to remove and reinstall the app to check whether videos play.

Why do Instagram stories keep repeating?

Instagram stories keep repeating on iOS due to a bug in the app. You can update your app to get the official fix. Sometimes, network settings might cause the problem. You can reset your iPhone’s network settings.

Simply go to iPhone’s Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone > Reset > Reset Network Settings.